
peony crush

Peony Crush

If there is one flower that draws my eye whenever I am at the flower market it is the peony. No matter the price (often

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Today 5 July – it’s all about the headband. I was buying some presents for a very special little girl when I came across a very cute

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I have been thinking about the pomegranate for a while now. Really ever since I bought some pomegranate nibs to embellish a cheese platter. I

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One on One

One on One

Today 17 May finds me on a one on one wrapping assignment, working with the wonderful Malin on her gift wrapping skills. Malin is a very smart

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Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

Today 25 April is Anzac Day. The day holds a special significance in Australian history and a special place in our family as many of

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Cotton On

Cotton On

Today 14 April is my cotton paper day. My decision to find out more about this fabulously textured paper morphed into a history and environmental lesson. Cotton Papers

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A Pencil Posy

A Pencil Posy

Today 30 March is Pencil Day so designated because on this day in 1858, Hymen Lipman received the first patent for a pencil with an attached eraser.

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Easter pastels

Easter pastels

This year, I am trying to move to a sugar reduced Easter. I can’t quite get to completely chocolate free and there are a few

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